Wrinkles are a natural sign of aging.Unsightly folds form on the skin as they grow older for various reasons and negatively affect their appearance, so many women are looking for effective methods to combat age-related changes. Let's see how to rejuvenate your face and what measures you need to take to prevent premature wrinkles. In an overview of the causes of aging, the rules of anti-aging skin care at different ages, a complete list of anti-aging procedures that are relevant in 2021 and simple prevention methods available to everyone.
Facial Aging Causes
1. Internal aspects
The skin is a large and highly complex organ that performs a wide range of functions. It is a protective barrier between the external environment and the inside of the body, preventing percutaneous water loss, maintaining temperature, sensory reactions, immune control. At the same time, the appearance of the skin is of great importance in matters of self-esteem and social interaction, therefore maintaining an attractive appearance and maintaining youth always plays an important role, especially in the life of women. The internal aspects of facial aging are endogenous processes that are natural. These are age-related changes, genetic factors and various diseases that can affect the appearance.

As we age, the skin on the face loses its attractiveness due to the natural decrease in fibroblast activity, which leads to a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, which support the skin's elasticity and its ability to repair. Active facial expressions associated with the work of facial structures and muscles are also related to the internal aspects of aging. The first lines appear on those areas of the skin that are involved in the expression of emotions. Expression lines are formed around the mouth, eyes, on the forehead.
2. External factors of aging
These are factors related to the environment and habits, various aspects of social behavior and activity that have a negative impact on the condition of the skin. In general, if we consider the definition of external factors briefly, then these are all aspects that are not associated with pathological or any other processes caused by internal changes.

Major external factors of aging
1. Exposure to UV rays
Exposure to sunlight, which accelerates the natural aging process, is a major cause of early wrinkle formation. UV rays have a destructive effect on the connective tissue of the dermis - collagen and elastin fibers that lie in the deeper layer of the skin. Without the elastic structure of the connective tissue, the skin loses its strength and flexibility, then begins to sag and wrinkle.

2. Smoking
Smoking can accelerate the normal aging process of the skin by contributing to the appearance of wrinkles. This is due to the negative effect of nicotine on the circulatory system. The nutrition of the dermis tissues deteriorates - oxygen and nutrients are supplied in an insufficient volume, which slows down the production of elastin and collagen.

3. Insufficient care
The skin is exposed daily to air pollutants from the environment such as PAHs, volatile organic compounds, oxides. This promotes oxidative stress and creates an unfavorable environment that provokes the development of pathogenic microorganisms that lead to poor skin health. Contamination damages the hydrolipidic film, which increases the risk of wrinkle formation. Daily high-quality skin cleansing is an easy way to preserve youth.
Anti-aging care rules at different ages
After 20 | At this age, the main care is to keep the skin moisturized. It is recommended to choose products based on antioxidants and select them according to the type of skin - oily, dry, sensitive, normal, combination. Also, do not forget about using protective creams that contain SPF |
After 30 | After 30 in the body, the processes associated with the production of collagen slow down and anti-aging care at this age should be aimed at stimulating the production of elastin and collagen fibers. It is recommended to regularly use products based on hyaluronic acid and collagen. These are various cosmetic creams, serums, gels. |
After 40 | The fight against age-related changes becomes more intense, aimed at combating wrinkles, pigmentation, dull complexion. Cosmetics should contain ingredients such as retinol, peptides, rhamnose or others that help smooth wrinkles and moisturize the skin. |
After 50 | At this age, the metabolism slows down significantly, the hormonal background changes. The production of the female hormone estrogen, which promotes the production of components that support the elastic structure of the dermis, is reduced. As a result, the structure of the skin also undergoes changes at the pathophysiological level. After 50 years, anti-aging care should be professional and comprehensive. |
How to rejuvenate facial skin at home
1. Taping
This is the safest way to rejuvenate your face at home. The bottom line is that special elastic plasters are glued to the problem areas, which have a lymphatic drainage effect. After several sessions, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is tightened, the skin tone becomes smoother and more attractive.

The main effects of aesthetic face taping:
- Elimination of mimic wrinkles;
- Reducing the visibility of nasolabial folds;
- Eyebrow correction;
- Elimination of facial puffiness;
- Elimination of "dark circles";
- Fight against age spots;
- Elimination of flews;
- Face contour correction;
- Reduction of the double chin;
- Raising the corners of the lips, etc.
2. Masks
Facial masks are the basis of care. This is a simple way to rejuvenate, which can be called universal. No matter how tired your skin looks, masks can help remedy the situation. Homemade recipes are simple and include the available ingredients: lemon, banana, fresh cucumber, protein, and more.

An example of a recipe for a mask for rejuvenation:
- Remove the yolk from the egg and whisk the white;
- Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to the mass;
- Mix the whipped egg white and juice well;
- Apply the mixture to your face with your fingertips;
- Let the product dry and let it sit for 15-20 minutes;
- Remove the mask with warm water;
- Use every other day to reduce the signs of aging.
3. Compresses
It is believed that exposing the skin to cold temperatures has several benefits. Cold compresses reduce redness and swelling, tighten pores, soothe acne-prone skin, prevent wrinkles, and relieve fatigue.
4. Exercises
With age, muscles become weakened and lose their function more quickly. As a result, there is a deformation of the muscle frame, which leads to sagging of the skin of the face, the appearance of wrinkles and folds. Special exercises aimed at training the muscles of the face help to keep the skin in excellent condition.

5. Essential oils
These are natural facial rejuvenation products that are easy to use. The moisturizing effect of terpenoids, organic acids and other active ingredients is one of the most important benefits of using natural essential oils. Moisture helps to retain water in the dermis, which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and improve overall complexion.
6. Creams
Cosmetic creams with anti-aging ingredients are widely used for facial rejuvenation at home. It is better to use products from leading brands that have a good reputation and offer effective remedies. Creams are selected according to skin type, taking into account age.
7. Gels
Special gels are professional products for facial rejuvenation at home. The composition contains active ingredients that contribute to the elimination of wrinkles and, in general, have a lifting effect. Gels, like creams, are selected individually, taking into account skin type and other characteristics.
8. Massage
This is the study of areas of the face in order to stimulate blood flow and lymph flow. It is important to understand that facial rejuvenation at home using compresses, massage, essential oils or other home remedies should be done regularly. Only in this case can you achieve noticeable results and keep them for a long time.
Facial skin rejuvenation in the salon
- Correction of wrinkles.This is biorevitalization, which consists in injecting hyaluronic acid preparations under the skin.
- Myostimulation.The rejuvenation procedure involves the effect on the skin of the face with weak electric shocks, which stimulates muscle contraction.
- Laser therapy.The method of physical influence consists in the fact that problem areas are exposed to low-energy laser radiation, which stimulates the renewal of dermal cells.
- Mesotherapy.Intradermal administration of preparations based on hyaluronic acid, vitamins and other nutritional components necessary to maintain the elastic structure of the dermis.
- Contour plastic.An injection technique for facial rejuvenation, which involves filling wrinkles with various fillers, which have the effect of smoothing the skin, help to correct the shape, make the contours of the face clearer.
- Peeling.Chemical peels are used to quickly remove damaged skin cells, which promotes the regeneration of dermal cells. There are different types of peels: light, medium and deep. What type is needed is decided by the cosmetologist.
- Botulinum toxin injections.These are small muscle injections. The beautician uses drugs that contain Dysport, Azalur or other botulinum toxin.
- Ozone therapy.Ozone gas, which is generated by modern and safe devices, is used to eliminate the oxygen deficiency that causes skin cells to suffer. As a result, the nutrition of the dermis is improved, which has an overall rejuvenating effect.
- Photorejuvenation.This is a hardware method that has a number of contraindications and is based on intense pulsed irradiation of problem areas of the skin in order to eliminate aesthetic defects.
- RF lifting.The RF-lifting procedure is aimed at tightening the skin and can be performed in several modes, which allows you to customize the device taking into account individual characteristics.
- Thermolifting. This is RF-lifting, which is carried out using higher temperature influences, which causes a more powerful response and gives a more pronounced rejuvenation effect.
- Plasmolifting.For rejuvenation, the patient's own plasma is used, which is injected under the skin in problem areas. The procedure is aimed at accelerating the process of dermal cell renewal.

Pharmacy preparations
- Oils and acids.Special pharmaceuticals are used both at home and in beauty salons. Certified products help you get rid of wrinkles with minimal risk. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with the composition in order to exclude allergic reactions due to individual intolerance to the components.
- Creams and ointments.Such funds have not only a cosmetic effect, but also a healing one. This is an effective rejuvenation and a comprehensive solution to skin problems. Pharmacy creams and ointments are also selected individually, depending on the purpose of use, lifestyle, age and other characteristics. For example, zinc ointment provides protection against photoaging, retinoic ointment enhances the regeneration of skin cells.
Proper nutrition
Junk food
Women who eat a lot of unhealthy foods on a daily basis have more wrinkles on their faces than those who watch their diet. Fatty foods slow down blood circulation, caffeine contributes to dehydration and dull skin color, sugar accelerates cell damage. In general, the accumulation of harmful substances in the body disrupts the normal activity of cells, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.
Healthy food

Products with high anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties help to improve the elasticity of the dermis due to the supply of nutrients necessary to stimulate collagen production and help protect the skin from negative external influences and premature aging.
Prevention of facial aging
- Protect your skin from the sun. Try to reduce the amount of time you spend in the sun, especially in the middle of the day when UV rays are most harmful to your skin. Protect your face and exposed areas of the body as much as possible - wear hats with wide brims, clothes made from natural materials with long sleeves, in which it will not be hot and sunglasses.
- Don't forget to moisturize.Lack of moisture negatively affects the condition of the skin, which leads to the premature appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. Moisturizers help maintain optimal moisture levels and reduce the appearance of small lines and wrinkles. The results from the use of moisturizing serums, creams, gels, or other cosmetics may not be immediately noticeable. Recovery usually takes several weeks of regular application of the product before you notice any improvement.
- Use sunscreen.Find an effective skin care product with a high degree of sun protection - SPF of at least 15. It is best to use a sunscreen with a broad spectrum of SPF 30. When on vacation or in any other situations where you are exposed to sunlight, apply liberallySPF on your face and repeat as needed every 2 hours, or more often if you are swimming or sweating profusely.
- Get rid of bad habits.Smoking has a negative effect on the condition of the skin. Nicotine contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels and the heart starts to work at an accelerated pace, which leads to premature wear of the capillaries. This increases the level of cholesterol and other harmful substances in the blood. As a result, skin tone and texture deteriorate, wrinkles appear, and the face looks less attractive.
- Train yourself to sleep on your back.While sleeping in a position on the side or on the stomach, the face is pressed against the pillow, as a result of which the skin wrinkles and vertical wrinkles are formed - creases. Since we sleep about a third of our lives, these "sleep lines" gradually strengthen over time and cut into the skin. The best way to avoid this is to sleep on your back.
- Watch your posture.Problems with the musculoskeletal system lead to the appearance of wrinkles and folds. This is due to the fact that with a curvature of the spine, violations of the outflow of lymph and venous blood are observed, which leads to problems with the nutrition of skin cells. Oxygen and nutrients, which are transported to the tissues of the dermis through the blood, help to maintain the elastic structure of the skin. Due to posture disorders, the complexion does not change for the better, lines and folds appear.
- Eat a healthy diet.Numerous studies confirm that certain vitamins and other nutrients that are constantly present in the diet help protect the skin of the face from the appearance of premature wrinkles.
- Go in for sports.With a sedentary lifestyle, metabolism slows down. Blood flow and lymph outflow processes deteriorate, which is responsible for removing harmful substances and excess fluid from the body. The result is the appearance of edema under the eyes, the formation of wrinkles and folds. Regular physical activity helps to keep your metabolism at the required level.
- Drink plenty of water.The body needs water to flush out toxins and help maintain beauty and youth. In addition to vital functions such as eliminating toxins, normalizing digestive processes and regulating body temperature, water also helps keep skin hydrated from the inside out and looking healthy.
- Engage in Facebook building.Gymnastics for the face consists of regularly performing a series of exercises in which all the muscles of the face are involved. As a result, the muscle frame is strengthened, the skin becomes less prone to wrinkles and sagging, dermal cells receive a greater concentration of nutrients and, therefore, recover faster. If there is no time for regular training, you can use a safe and effective technique - face-building taping in order to prevent the premature appearance of small wrinkles and deep lines.